The High-lights

What are our High-lights

1)The engine turned off and the great feeling of gliding along in silence.
2)Being pulled along by the wind with just the gentle slapping of the water on the side of the boat, glorious sunshine and the deep clear blue sea.
3)The occasional glimpse of a distant dolphin makes all ones woes and trouble slide into the depths of the sea.  
4) Anchored up at a great quiet bay, or moored at a lively harbour.
5) The amazing sunsets.

Here we will be adding our great moments and delights.

You are welcome to add your own sailing experiences and delights at the bottom on comments, look forward to hearing from you.

The night Sky
*My turn for night watch as the sky darkens from the fading sun. The brightest star appears which is the planet Jupiter in the south east. One by one the stars appears within the deepening darkness. This was the first time I had ever seen the whole sky with no land or light pollution. Amazing clusters of stars including the strip of the milky Way.
The stars help me keep my position keeping the 'Big Dipper" / Plough to the starboard (right of boat). Its a saucepan looking cluster of stars with the north Pole star at the end of its handle. It was great to be able to see the whole of the star system circulate around the North Star throughout the night watch.
The silence and the gentle rocking of the boat as we drifted slowing west doing about 3 knots makes it a truly great moment.

Fun and Games

find some nice pebbles on the beach
Do some art,  Artie
Bit of swimming anyone
                             watch for dolphins                                                              

                                                                              Ride in the tender
 Finding a park

                                                                    Fishing off the pontoons
 Bit of goggling ( as Artie puts it) ...snorkelling for you and me
 Get working,  scrub the old sails
 Catching fish
 Making friends
 Eating ice lolli's,.. lolli
 Found You!!!   Hide and Seek
Dancing on deck


Bath Time!

Well it wasn't always easy to get clean, usually it would be a quick swim and then a cold shower off.

Well I thought I would share these 
great moments with you.