June 2012
Well we finally made it to Alicante not with out a few problems but the winds were in our favor mostly.
We got there a day early as the wind was so good. We had struggled with a gear box that was slowly losing strength.
when we arrived parked infront of us on the waiting bay was Rubessa with Simon, Nigel and Harvey the dog. We had a great time catching up with them drinking and relaxing, while we waited for Chris Carolyn and the girls.
The morning of the attach of the girl pirates, our fishing rods we stolen right out side the marina office with all the security cameras. When we told them they said no one was here come back on Monday to sort it. Then they told us the cameras were being repaired and there was no coverage at that time. There basicily don't have film for there camera's they are there just for show.Well NOT good enough., they finally (not without a struggle) gave us money back for two nights. which helped. But just for those travelling to Alicante marina BEWARE!!!
LATE Sunday night coming along the marina front were five weary travellers.Or were they PIRATES!!
Before we set off on our adventure we spent a few days getting everyone settled. We struggled with bedding everyone. Mostly little Lydia who got all the cushions on the floor but never settled well.
We shopped for supplies and Carolyn's friend joined us for a morning and most exciting of all was the old owners of lady bear came. They had found us through our blog and only staying a few miles down the road in Spain.
We soon realized these were the people who really took care of lady bear. Made a lot of nice wood work inside We knew someone did before us but I am afraid the people we bought it off where finding her hard work and it showed in the work that they did to her just painting everything white, We have plans to work on her ourselves this winter but felt a little embarrassed that she was looking unfinished . It was great to meet them and hear of some of the old stories of Lady bear, just wish we had more time to talk with these chaps.
Off we go !!
Our first few days of sail was longer than wanted, anchoring the
first night which was a little rocky and we seemed to get gate
crashed by the invasion of mosquitoes, the poor girls were eaten to
bits . And then passing impressive sky scrapping Benodorm. Poor Carolyn and Serena
were passing out there lunch. moving around too much on the first few
days on a boat is never a good idea. But its true for us it only take a few
days to get your sea legs.
The hardest part was the struggling gear box just not pulling its
weight, getting slower with less power.
It made the sail too long and although everyone were having a good
time it dragged it out a bit and made it a little frustrating for
Snap anyone |
feeling better now |
stopped at Altea and it was great to get the kids off the boat for a while they got toys and fishing nets out and played on
We spent a great long day on the beach and
had a long lunch at a little corner cafe.
Lorenzo didn't want and of course couldn't join the others |
While we were playing. Chris helped Dave with the boat took it out
the water and onto the hard for a few hours to change the propeller
inlet so they could get at the gear box in and out any time in the future if need to.
Being there a few days meant the kids could use the pool
plus we managed to get loads of shopping and of course ate loads of
ice cream.
Getting the girl pirates back on board and off into the blue again.
Anchored at M.....
Anchoring at Moriana where we met up with Rubessa with Simon, Nigel
and of course their dog captain Harvey. They brought the dingy over
to our boat when they saw we were jumping into the water to cool off
. I cooked a great big dinner of pasta with veggie sauce, Then took
in turns to get into the marina to their boat where we all took
showers had a drink and then off for a little walk around the town.
Unfortunately we had missed the advent of the day some activities on
the beach.
We all got back to our boat before dark so we could still see where
the boat was.
Early the next day we were off to Ibiza not a bad sail still a
problem with the gear box. It took us over night arriving at an
The first anchorage was in a busy bay where we rowed the dingy onto
the beach the kids played for hours Lolly got in for a swim as the
water was sooo warm and clear
. Did some shopping at a very expensive
shop and had expensive drinks at a great shaded cafe over looking the
The kids managed to entertain themselves, well there was moment of
boredom I know, but they made puppets and did a little show from the
forward cabin hatch.
They dangled the legs off the edge to catch the
Dressed up as pirates.
“Attach! Attach! attach!!!” was
shouted every time Dave says to every “We have to tack” (to
change the boats direction and point of sail.)
Putting our wet finger to the wind to see which direction it was
blowing from the next morning.
Was it going to be left North west to
San Antonio or round to the right south east towards Ibiza town?.
Before reaching Ibiza town we stopped at this small anchorage with
high red sandy coloured cliffs it was calm water here but no one was
up for a swim.
Dave helping someone with their anchor |
Nice the managed to play with Lolly in back cabin |
Poor Chris was struggling from a cold and didn't feel
up to swimming. We took it in turns to row the dingy ashore where we
explored the cliffs and found some interesting stone and beach
pebble sculptors like little castles. And we found tunnels into the
unknown going down and down into the ground on the cliffs, with
imagination many smuggles may had passed through these!
Local fisher man |
dingy motor is more trouble than its worth |
So rowing is more fun |
So short and sweet off again to Town of Ibiza.
Carolyn was desperate
to do some washing, but were we going to make it? slower and slower
into the harbour entrance but finally 2 knots and we made it. It was very
expensive and full of very portentous people pretending to be something,?? not very friendly apart from the marina people they were great
didn't really know how to tie a boat up though, but we manages to just avoid
colliding our anchor into the neighboring boat. Its difficult to explain why we have no control, I don't think they would like the idea we don't really have any power.
Carolyn and I tracked up to where the washing machines were to find
it was 10 euros a wash, well carolyn had enough washing for England
so we returned returned back to the boat and on the pontoon we
turned into washer women washing our undies. We used many taps from
the pontoon as our was linked to a meter we had to pay extra for.
Well one night was enough, off we go with a weak gearbox slowly slowly out of the
bay trying to avoid all the ferries and passing a cruise liner called
Serena which Serena thought was hers of course.
Puerto de Sta Eulalia
lovely little town in a nice protected bay we anchored, but Carolyn decided it would be fun to rent a holiday apartment here in those lovely white little buildings. So they did !
evening they collected their stuff for the flat while I waited ashore with
the boys and watched them disappear around the bay. I tried to catch up
walking along the sea front, but then was unsure where they went to. So I
waited and waited, I got a drink for the boys and played on beach, they
started to get hungry and it was getting dark. I decided to go into the
restaurant, when i saw Carolyn passing.
now we had lost Dave, he was furious searching for us. When he
eventually found me he was relieved and frustrated that he took so long
and had left us. Finally we all meet up after everyone had calmed down.
Crazy Kids at Bar
Lorenzo had a good time |
The Holiday Flat
Walk by river
Walk to Ibiza Town
Lolly walked the whole way, great sound in here! |
lunch and ice cream stop |
Dave, Mandy, Lorenzo and Arthur |
Around the town |
Rest under trees before the journey back |
On the way back |
All down hill |
Telsia's Birthday
Going Home
100 miles in total. Their journey from Alicante to Ibiza was over.
Does any one remember the story a squash and a squeeze?
Our boat is too tiny for one, well bring on the cow, the chicken, the goat, or the family. Then watch them leave one by one and suddenly the boat feels very roomy.
I hope they remember the good times they had and not all the sea sickness, lack of sleep, mosquito bites, bad colds, boat troubles, or people troubles.
They definitely took some memories home with them that's for sure.